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Tag Archives: body

The benefits of boiled eggs.

The benefits of boiled eggs are not just about helping you lose weight or build muscle. But they can even reduce your risk of heart disease! 1. Rich in nutrients that the body needs.           Boiled eggs are rich in many nutrients that our bodies

Benefits of Water Fasting.

Water Fasting is a fasting without eating anything except drinking water for a specified period of time. Which is usually set at 24-72 hours or 3 days because if you fast for longer than this. Your body will lack nutrients and have other health effects.

“Psoriasis” a silent threat that should not be overlooked.

The real cause of birth ‘Psoriasis’ Although the birth psoriasis There will still be no clear cause of how it happened. But the study believes that there may be many factors involved. Like a matter of genetics, abnormalities of the immune system. as well as external stimuli. As a result, that part

Appropriate way to lose weight without Yo-Yo Effect

Appropriate way to lose weight without Yo-Yo Effect What are some ways to lose weight? Nowadays, many people prefer to lose weight by using drugs and dieting. Because it is believe. That it will help control weight faster. and method is not difficult by UFABET Most of the weight